Breaking the Cycle: Anti-Racism 101
A “teach in” webinar curated to help Conservative and Religious families on their journeys to recognize, learn about, and how to be actionable to end racism (to be “anti-racist”).
Why “Breaking the Cycle”?
This Webinar (part of a larger course) is based on much social/historical/justice research, many years of courses and very intentional learning. I have worked for years with an amazingly talented All-Star line of anti-racism/equity educators, scholars, and historians. I will bring this knowledge, augmented with my very broad and deep investment, economic and financial systems experience as we go deep into anti-racism and impacts from various lenses.
This particular Webinar grew out of a couple of things. The first is an outgrowth of a conversation with a family member about racial dynamics. Being a biracial adoptee into a large, loving Irish-Catholic and conservative family, I really enjoy providing context and help promote understanding around questions about racism, historical contexts, current impacts. Another catalyst is doing my own work and research examining multi-generational traumas of racism.
In these times, many folks have been drawing firm political lines, willing to cut ties across friends, families, coworkers.
I believe that together we can win.
All of us.
No exceptions.
Through my conservative religious upbringing, I know many folks whose hearts and concerns for family, justice, and for many faith are often filled with good intention. Very often, conscientiously spiritual and religious folk turn their gaze privately inward, within the bounds of the family unit. Many things are not discussed in Community, and even the family unit itself, with openness paired with care.
Spiritually, there are few things as powerful as asking oneself, how am I living in alignment with my held beliefs? What are the actual impacts of my words and actions in the world (rather than just the intention)?
I firmly believe that with the open hearts & minds that we will bring to the work (as several close to me and my coaching clients/class cohorts have been doing), we can go through this accelerated view of racism, historical events and impacts, and leave you with simple and impactful take-aways to end racism.
Join us with that openness of heart & mind and willingness to take action required to not just be someone who is “not a racist”, but someone who is Anti-Racist (which is both actioned and impactful).
No Judgements.
Just the work.
From someone who has walked through the uncertainty, said all the wrong things at least once, and as someone that has taken some time to recognize various types of equity issues, and has taken an even longer to say them out loud.
Thank you.
Let’s come together and Help end Racism.
COme to one or each sessioN:
Saturdays Oct. 17th, 24th, 31st
@1Pm EST
Pre-Work: What is you and your family’s origin story? Have some family discussion about how you came to live where you are now. What were some of the struggles and triumphs faced in that journey? 4-5 sentences and due at the first class to be shared.
For larger or custom engagements, please email