Building High Performance Teams
What would your results, your organization’s results look like if if it was truly optimized for performance?
Why “Building High Performance teams”?
Results. Communication. Morale. Turnover. Delivery. Attrition. Growth. Balance. Burnout. Capacity. Longevity. Composition. Dynamics. Structures. Creativity. Bias.
These are all issues that leaders and their teammates face daily.
Careers, lives, and livelihoods are both made and broken on them.
Most often the difference between success and failure resides in how leaders and teams interact.
Talent (people) are a resource are more precious and vital than funding in many cases. People make results happen and people, like money, are either developed or wasted depending on our approach, frameworks and the tools and care we use.
The knowledge acquired in both the breadth and depth of the various domains from investments, to finance, venture capital to Silicon Valley tech, digital, nonprofits, philanthropy, and as an executive coach has been critical to my successes. It is key to the way I show up to help orgs and businesses develop high performance teams.
Join me as to share in best practices, frameworks, and tools as well as some of the hardest, most costly, and most painful lessons learned to not only elevate you, but your teams, management styles, results and satisfaction.
People are our best resource. The resource that can make us, or break us. Collectively.
This 2-month class structure will be:
Classes will be online Thurs at 7PM EST
Classes will be weekly
Homework assignments and useful handouts will be given as well
All classes will be recorded so that you can review
There are multiple pricing options to best fit your situation, based on community. Select one of the following options to register for Building High Performance Teams: